Don't Misunderstand these 3 Sensitive Topics that Will Come Up

The following are some insights on big topics that often cause conflict and misunderstanding between men and women. 

Despite contrary gender statements, I found that males and females are actually very similar in the way we think, just different in the way we process things and act on them. The information below on thoughts were provided by both genders, and can help with the misunderstandings we often face in dating and relationships. 

Understanding and communication are key to overcoming the following 3 hot topics.


A Man's thoughts about Priorities: When a man senses that you are invested in him and are curious about how he feels about you he is turned off. He is attracted to you because of your life outside of him. He loves the fact that you make yourself responsible for your own happiness. 

A Woman's Thoughts: A woman that sees that a man is invested in her is a turn on, and she is attracted to him because of his investment in her. Although, it is good for him to have hobbies, friends outside of the relationship, as long they don't take priority over the relationship, the relationship should come first. 

Finding a balance between the two/understanding: Having a sense of self outside of the other person is very important, especially to have your own hobbies, passions, and friends; you are responsible for your own happiness. But also show that you are invested in the other person, and committed to the relationship and making it work, whether that means sometimes compromising to make each other happy. 


A Man's Thoughts: He wants to feel as though he has a choice; to feel free, and respected, never forced in situations, so if he seems to be pulling back or withdrawing it's because he needs space. 

A Woman's Thoughts: When women withdraw often don't know how to communicate what they are feeling, so if they withdraw they may be needing and desiring someone to come into that space with them and talk about things. Women also want to feel they have a choice; to feel free and respected, and never forced in situations. 

Finding a balance/understanding: Best to understand women and men are very different in this way, and just respect the needs of each person. 


A Man's thoughts: Despite the stereotype of men not having feelings, men have lots of feelings and often times need lots of space to process them and need grace when they choose to verbalize them. 

A man desires a woman who is emotionally mature, and doesn't fly off the handle at the slightest things, and who can also talk things over without it getting heated or emotional. 

A Woman's Thoughts: Feel the same as men in this regard, being humans we have a lot of emotions, the only difference is that sometimes women say whatever is on their mind the second it pops up, whether good or bad. 

Finding a balance/understanding: It's good to be honest, but sometimes better to wait until emotions are fully processed, and then verbalized when needed with grace. Often women get very passionate when emotions are involved and it's best to step back when emotions take over, so logic can step in first. 


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