Don't Put The Cart Before the Horse when it Comes to Sex

You've heard these phrases before: 

"Don't Put the Cart Before the Horse" 
"Why would he buy the cow, when he can get the milk for free."

There's actually a lot of truth behind these timeless statements, even if they are a little harsh. 

When a woman gives herself away, she is giving a man a piece of herself that she cannot get back. This is proven in scientific theory in the way hormones operate.

In a sexual encounter between a man and a woman, the woman produces a surge of hormone called Oxytocin- also known as the bonding and emotional attachment hormone. The man produces a surge of dopamine- the reward hormone, ultimately making him feel rewarded and is purely a pleasure sensation. (We get dopamine surges when experiencing something exciting, pleasurable, or delicious- making us want more.)

The only consequence with the bonding hormone, oxytocin is that it becomes weaker with each partner we have. So bonding and cuddling become less intense, less powerful the more sexual partners a woman has. 

It's so important to preserve this sacred bonding hormone for the right one. Don't waste it on a guy who promises you the world, but doesn't act on it. 

As Beyonce said, "you should have put a ring on it" 

Let his actions speak louder than words, and enter into the type of commitment you desire, (ideally marriage) before sharing that sacred bond with him.


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