
7 Signs He Really Likes You

A man will go above and beyond to keep you in his life, and if he adores you it will be more than obvious. I've listed below the 5 signs that he's really into you, and if you see these in your relationship, you've got a great guy on your hands, that really cares about you. How to tell he really cares: (Actions of course!) 1. He will carry your things (including your purse) without making a show of it! 2. He goes out of his way for you Whether that means stopping at the store on the way home to get your favorite thing for dinner, getting you that thing you've been eyeing. 3. He steps outside his comfort zone If he's willing to try a new activity because you enjoy it, that's a sure sign he priorities you and truly values having you by his side. 4. He's willing to be vulnerable with you He will talk about goals, fears, and desires with you because he trusts and ultimately cares about you 5. He will do just about anything to keep you by his s...

How to Be the Right Person

The traits we wish to have in another, should be the traits we exhibit in ourselves, and a lot of this requires self-introspection and understanding of our true needs and expectations. Sometimes we seek to fill a void, and often times this leaves us even more empty and confused if we don't fill the void properly. We can sometimes seek to fill our needs with temporary happiness, through materialistic or tangible things; but we should really fill it with what we truly need. Our pressing needs can range from not feeling loved, feeling lonely, an ache for love, for connection, for happiness, and various other feelings. A girl I know, Scarlet, once told me she was aching for that feeling of connection and love from another person. Her schedule was busy and her job often didn't allow much time for building connections. Once she joined a group that focused on her hobby of reading, she met other close friends who fulfilled that need of connection, and she no longer sought...

7 Signs He's Only Interested in One Thing

You've been having a great time with this guy and you're not sure if he really likes you, or if it's just one thing he's after. The only way is to decipher what he is saying and doing. Some guys can be pretty smooth about it too, so don't let that catch you off guard. Even if you are the perfect girl for him, if he is only seeking one thing, and not a relationship, it won't matter. Once you know these guy tricks, you can always arm yourself by being prepared with the right responses to the following. How to tell if he's only interested in one thing: 1.  He invites you over to his place or suggests hanging out at your place 2.  He is very touchy, and tries to kiss you very quickly on the first date. 3.  He isn't making time for you during the day, and seems to want to hang out in the evening 4.  You don't receive calls, only texts 5.  He isn't trying to get to know you as a person 6.  You haven't met any of his friends or...

Timing is Everything For Guys

Does he have all his ducks in a row? This should be one of the first questions you should secretly assess on a first date (without making it super obvious, of course!) Does he have his career and goals in place, is he seeking a long term relationship currently? Once you have this figured out, dating will be so much easier, and less hearts will be broken, I promise! The dating scene right now seems so complex with so little connections forming and lasting.  The issue is not necessarily the lack of connection, it's that  Timing is everything for men, and until they are ready, nothing love-wise can fully form.  You may begin thinking it's not worth putting in all this effort into dating, and to a certain extent that is true. Don't invest yourself, or pour your heart into dating relationships until the right relationship is ready and is also giving back to you.  Focus on who you are as a person currently, who you want to be....

Don't Put The Cart Before the Horse when it Comes to Sex

You've heard these phrases before:  "Don't Put the Cart Before the Horse"  "Why would he buy the cow, when he can get the milk for free." There's actually a lot of truth behind these timeless statements, even if they are a little harsh.  When a woman gives herself away, she is giving a man a piece of herself that she cannot get back. This is proven in scientific theory in the way hormones operate. In a sexual encounter between a man and a woman, the woman produces a surge of hormone called Oxytocin- also known as the bonding and emotional attachment hormone. The man produces a surge of dopamine- the reward hormone, ultimately making him feel rewarded and is purely a pleasure sensation. (We get dopamine surges when experiencing something exciting, pleasurable, or delicious- making us want more.) The only consequence with the bonding hormone, oxytocin is that it becomes weaker with each partner we have. So bonding and cud...

3 Ways to Discover How He Really Feels About You

Understanding men can seem tedious, challenging, and not all that fun when they aren't being straightforward about their thoughts and feelings. Especially when you're in the new stages, of dating or a relationship, trying to understand what they REALLY mean can feel like deciphering a new language in a foreign country.  But if you follow these three rules, you will have them figured out in no time, and on your way to an easier time of not over analyzing, over thinking, and wondering if it's it's just you or if it's them. #1: Listen to what he tells you, first and foremost when you begin dating - He will mention to you what he is looking for when you ask him a question. If he tells you "I'm looking for marriage & kids, but not today." that gives you a very good inkling as to what his priorities are at the moment.  #2 :A Guy Will Tell You What You Want To Hear in order to get what he wants- even through white lies. They ca...

Don't Misunderstand these 3 Sensitive Topics that Will Come Up

The following are  some insights on big topics that often cause conflict and misunderstanding between men and women.  Despite contrary gender statements, I found that males and females are actually very similar in the way we think, just different in the way we process things and act on them.  The information below on thoughts were provided by both genders, and can help with the misunderstandings we often face in dating and relationships.   Understanding and communication are key to overcoming the following 3 hot topics. PRIORITIES A Man's thoughts about Priorities: When a man senses that you are invested in him and are curious about how he feels about you he is turned off. He is attracted to you because of your life outside of him. He loves the fact that you make yourself responsible for your own happiness.  A Woman's Thoughts: A woman that sees that a man is invested in her is a turn on, and she is attracted to him because of his inves...